300 threads Benchmark 1: uplink cp sj://test/file1.txt f.txt Time (mean ± σ): 1.192 s ± 0.095 s [User: 0.099 s, System: 0.056 s] Range (min … max): 1.015 s …...
Looks good to me 👍
Yes I can share in DM because it is prod It happens quite often
most likely this is timeout problem on the uplink side
@jtolio Let’s try to merge it to include in the nearest release and then I will close it
And we need to add some tests to it
List of issues I fount so far: - [ ] Can't create delete marker when deleting specific tag(maybe paid feature) - [ ] Can't delete\restore the delete marker - [...
Configs: ``` STORJ_METAINFO_RS: 2/3/6/6-256 STORJ_CHECKER_REPAIR_TARGET_OVERRIDES: 2-5 STORJ_CHECKER_REPAIR_TRESHOLD_OVERRIDES: 2-4 ``` Test: - upload file with 2/3/6/6 setting and try to reduce down to 2/4/8/8 - DQ 2 nodes and stop the...
Closes [#275](https://github.com/storj/qa-storj/issues/275)