
Results 12 issues of Igromanru

I've found this great work over google and it's exactly what I need. I would like to use the sass file, but I'm not using Bootstrap, so I have no...

Hey, I really like your project. Can you please also add functions from the Ntdll.dll?

Oh, I just saw that my custom Exception "UnsupportedVersionException" is also in the PR. If you're okey with it, you can merge, otherwise I guess you can add v1.2.1 by...

Hello, I got a problem to understand how it´s works. Can you please extend the documentation on some more examples? Something simple like parse an object to json, write it...


Hey, it took a while and honestly it's not 100% done, but I'm now busy with other projects and don't really motivated to continue atm. This is my latest stable...

Hey, do you mind If I refactor the project architecture for better code reading? I like your project and I'm thankful for your work. But I would like to bring...

I would like to implement a logging system. My favorite is NLog. What do you think about it?

It would be really helpful, if it would be possible just to "build" an ASI from main project. To differentiate, you could define something like `#define BUILD_ASI`, if the use...

The ASI Loader loads .asi files from the game root directory, but also from other sources like the /Plugins directory. I saw most mod authors who released an ASI version...

I'm currently porting my mod for the ASI Loader. I'm using the bink2w64.dll version of the ASI Loader and my mod goes into the (game root dir)/Plugins/ directory. With both...