Igor Trindade

Results 15 comments of Igor Trindade

I'm facing the same issue while updating a Vue library: [https://github.com/igortrinidad/vue-number-format/blob/update-docs-vue-installation/vite.config.js](https://github.com/igortrinidad/vue-number-format/blob/update-docs-vue-installation/vite.config.js) The library build runs successful, the application run successfully with the library in development mode but when the application...

Opa Higo, bom dia meu caro, blz? Então, eu gostei mesmo da solução de backup, tem muita aplicação pra mim e na verdade já estou usando hehe! Depois vou tirar...

> So after some digging/searching and trying these steps solved it for me: > > `rm -rf /Users/{username}/.npm/_libvips` > `brew install vips` // If this command throws some error about...

@monkuver , im using node 10.16 like @igorvisi ... Try this too, may be it help you... If yes you could set your terminal to change node versions according folder/project...

![Captura de Tela 2020-04-29 às 11 01 07](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13478652/80604938-c18f8000-8a08-11ea-9cba-c9ccc89b4e38.png) I tried right now and it works fine here, check my environment: `Mac 10.13.6 ` `Node v10.16.3` `"gridsome": "^0.7.0"` I don't know...

Hi Daniel, It's happening only in Vercel, but only if the application has pages (vue-router added)... If the application doesn't have pages the Vercel serves the content without error, so...

So, i just created the Vue3 + vue-router sample project to test the deployment on Vercel and it works as expected, no errors when accessing routes that includes "+"... Vercel...

@Cosbgn i encountered this error while i was developing google auth, so google added the "+" char on the url while redirecting back the user... My solution was redirecting to...

@Cosbgn yeah, unfortunatelly my solution doesnt fit for your problem...

@smaeda-ks thanks a lot for your help, it solves the issue on the test repository 🙏 ! [https://test-nuxt-error.vercel.app/?xcvxcv=1231+asdasd+123](https://test-nuxt-error.vercel.app/?xcvxcv=1231+asdasd+123) [https://github.com/igortrinidad/test-nuxt-error](https://github.com/igortrinidad/test-nuxt-error) I'll try it for the app that i'm using Nuxt3 and...