Igor Tashevski
Igor Tashevski
Using the 'latest' const string, i have issues with upgrading the node pool, but this function do the job: ``` async function getKubernetesVersions() { const versions = digitalocean.getKubernetesVersions({}); return await...
@rowanwins U can get away from the heap error with ```sourcemap: true``` enabled, if u change the ```build``` command as: ```export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192 && vite build```
I've replaced ```vite.config.ts``` to ```vite.config.mts``` and now breaks all the time, even I revert back to ```ts``` ``` Failed to process project graph. The "nx/js/dependencies-and-lockfile" plugin threw an error while...
I'm removing the ```.nx``` cache manually, and it works, not works with reload... I'm getting also ``` NX LOCK-FILES-CHANGED``` all the time, I will try to skip the cache...