Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes
Igor Kuivjogi Fernandes
Hi. Thanks for this implementation. I had a problem: ``` /var/folders/tx/5cvg8b910f31k6ttxp5ds9cxbmnldx/T/ipykernel_14194/2624284624.py:26: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in exp p = 1/(1+np.exp(-x)) /var/folders/tx/5cvg8b910f31k6ttxp5ds9cxbmnldx/T/ipykernel_14194/2624284624.py:27: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log return -( a*t...
First of all, thank you very much for that awesome package! I think `lightFM` could use `CuPy` to enable GPU computation. I have a lot of data and making predictions...
Change ClassifierChain to LabelPowerset
**Descreva o bug** O botão `Inscrever no Push` não está sendo traduzido para inglês quando mudamos para **English (en)**. **Passo a passo para reproduzir** 1. Vá para a [página inicial](https://www.pyjobs.com.br/)...
In the beginning, everything was fine using only `psycopg2-binary` in my virtual environment. So I uploaded the code to EB and eveythings goes fine. When you changed the strategy (start...
I removed the unnecessary quotes surrounding the block code.