Oskar Sharipov

Results 10 issues of Oskar Sharipov

Latest versions on 6 May 2021. 11 languages were updated. Read diff to see more. New Langs map is built by: 1) updating current available languages from https://codeforces.com/contest/1520/submit source code....

https://github.com/sayazamurai/python-vs-javascript/blob/444a7ab88e0c131b95f01677af22f3ad2b8d038f/index.html#L1267-L1275 In python there is an easier way to multiple each element in list: ```python3 original_list = [1, 2, 3] new_list = list(map(lambda x: x * 2, original_list)) for x...

What's the point of md5 usage? https://github.com/long2ice/fastapi-cache/blob/63c9fd5f8cdc89633bf9df6382e2a6cf109d9af5/fastapi_cache/key_builder.py#L17 md5 was proofed to be [insecure][wiki]. It's possible to find collisions fast. A potential attacker theoretically can send unique query parameters which weren't...

В новых PR иногда бывает некрасивый код. Сейчас незаметно запускается flake8, но его ошибки игнорируются. Получаем такое: 1. Ревьюерам иногда приходится тратить время на "поставь, пожалуйста, тут пробел", 2. Ревьюеры...

I suggest to support `pydantic.Field.alias` field. Currently erdantic ignores it. That's an example with simple `Gift` class: ```python3 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field class Gift(BaseModel): for_: str = Field(alias="for") ```...


If emailpassword receipe's override doesn't return a Response instance in sign_up_post, supertokens-python responds with an unexpected error which is hard to debug. In our case we needed to override sign_up_post...