
Results 243 issues of ignoramous

Replace master with main.

https://bun.sh/ is all the rage.

[Use proxy-proto v2 on Fly deploys](https://community.fly.io/t/tls-proxy-protocol-how-to-set-http-2-alpn/4495/14). This would let users [provision certs with Fly](https://fly.io/docs/app-guides/custom-domains-with-fly/) and use Fly's TLS termination, instead of having to do both of those themselves, [which isn't...

Tokio powered IO is likely way faster under load than Node's? For reference, [Node's plain old DNS perf](https://github.com/serverless-dns/serverless-dns/runs/5116703830) doing 6600 DNS reqs at the rate of 110 per sec: ```...

The refactor has been painful due to the wild west nature of this javascript codebase. Let's try to static-type it esp since absence of tests are exaggerating the pain, at...


Prototype DNS logs storage & retrieval from [Workers KV free-tier](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/platform/pricing#kv) (1K writes, deletes, lists / day; 100K reads / day; 1G storage in total). We'd need some gating mechanism (may...

[A user wrote](https://www.reddit.com/r/dns/comments/pltyp9/adblocking_as_a_service/hcp0wiy/): > If someone asks for a customized blocking server, they usually need more than just enabling and disabling lists. They would also want to whitelist and blacklist...

Allow users to set time ranges in increments of 30m against each blocklist. Example: Blocklist BL1 form 10:30 11:00 Blocklist BL2 from 12:00 23:00 Blocklist BL3 from 22:00 06:00 Blocklist...

Today, the [blocklists metadata](https://github.com/serverless-dns/rethink-blocklist-metadata) is stored in a dictionary-encoded bitmap as leaf node of domains compacted into a [radix trie](https://github.com/serverless-dns/blocklist-wrapper). This encoded bitmap is then represented in a URL (like...

Today, upstream resolver is set to cloudflare-dns. Upstream could be exposed as a configurable option to the end user and set in the URL stamp as appropriate. 1:blocklists:upstream? ---- *from:...