Ignatius Reza
Ignatius Reza
I really like the suggestion for having pair of getter and setter returned from `useState`.. which would make it easier to keep things fresh.. if it doesn't end up in...
@vcarl it's to fix compatibility when using `bottomOffset` together with `relative`.. here're codesandboxes which would hopefully help clear up the case: - master: https://codesandbox.io/s/kxz22r7j1o - pr: https://codesandbox.io/s/p3r727140j btw, issue #235...
@vcarl sorry for pinging.. want to check if the sample above is understandable?
Sorry, haven't played around with async validation much to understand the comparison.. but, it sounds like it could solve the use case, as long as it doesn't clear up the...
Took a quick look into async validation.. and it got me thinking that maybe the timing of when the errors should be cleared should be controlled by either `validateOn` or...
Managed to work around this issue by normalizing the errors to something like ```js dispatch(actions.setFieldsErrors('user.something', { foo: { async: 'foo is not bar' }, bar: { async: 'bar is not...
I'm having this issue when using `react-modal` together with `react-hot-loader`.. need to dig deeper, but, I think the issue is caused by `react-hot-loader` depending on v2 of `react-lifecycles-compat`, while `react-modal`...
`react-hot-loader` [updated their dependencies](https://github.com/gaearon/react-hot-loader/pull/948) and the warning no longer there, even without custom yarn resolutions mentioned above..
Adding to this, I've `f12` mapped to open the Guake terminal in quake mode. This works everywhere else outside of zed, but it doesn't work when zed is in focus....