Ignat Remizov
Ignat Remizov
https://github.com/brandonwamboldt/wp-orm/blob/17b80105be3ced57a9392b2467f1000ad6c37f7f/src/BaseModel.php#L100 I think this line should be `} elseif ($value instanceof BaseModel) {` because you want to call primary_key() as the flattened value in case a property is a type...
Say I have an ascii art I want to be able to easily share, like this "fabulous" dude: ⊂_ヽ \\ _ \( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[Feature request] I think that you should be able to use regex to match which files are watched for changes, and which files get run. This is basically [guard](https://github.com/guard/guard) but...