Same thing for polish special characters. When trying to input **ż** or **ź** (alt+z, alt+x respectively) 'revert' command is triggered, like ctrl+z.
Is it related to textract? What when you decode your string? https://stackoverflow.com/a/37016987
"2 days ago", great! :D I've encountered this bug back in 2022 and again, just 3 days ago, still need to migrate one service and it will help a lot....
I register my services with newest Consul (https://consuldot.net/) nuget. I can't get app to work without specifying `AgentServiceRegistration.Address` (backend can't resolve address - I get "Not Found" from Ocelot) and...
I don't use dynamic routing, just classic setting. Once I've started debugging I thought about overriding this Consul.cs somehow and Custom Providers seem like a good solution - I'll have...
Got it working, thank you! The more complicated way of configuring custom provider worked better for me. Name of the class is stupid maybe but works for now XD ocelot.json:...
@matikbird was the content you want to edit with editor with insert plugin preprocessed with medium editor? In my case, I had one form which was filled by user with...
I had the similar problems without meteor-admin, I guess the meteor-admin should be updated to work with collection2-core as well as with other aldeed packages.