Kevin Peters
Kevin Peters
:metal: Personal site of Kevin Peters. PWA powered. Some mix of blog and portfolio which was written with Nuxt.js. Articles are about Vue.js and Clean Code. Also showcasing my projects on this website...
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Feature scoped Vuex modules to have a better organization of business logic code inside Vuex modules based on Large-scale Vuex application structures @3yourmind
:chart_with_upwards_trend: A Vue.js project powered by Vuex namespaced modules in a simple structure based on Large-scale Vuex application structures
:chart_with_upwards_trend: A repository showcasing a simple Vuex store inside a Vue.js application based on Large-scale Vuex application structures @3yourmind
A simple React.js User Interface Component that is like Google Translate with full TypeScript Support