Iñaki Garay
Iñaki Garay
When running elvis for the first time on a large project, it might take a while. It would be nice to have some (optional) progress indicator to know elvis hasn't...
[RFC 2119](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt) specifies technical meanings for keywords to be used in other technical specifications and guidelines. Making the Inaka guideline documents compliant with this RFC would disambiguate and improve the...
It would be good for the sumodb backends to have the ability to provide information on the status of the connection to the diverse storage engines. This would facilitate tying...
- The rustdoc comments should be polished and expanded in general. - cleopatra is yet green to publish to crate.io and thus docs.rs but perhaps work could be done on...
Eventually, we will want to have tests that ensure parity across Cairo VM implementations. How exactly to achieve that is an open question, but it will likely involve a Python...
Perhaps the `is_zero` function in [`vm_core`](https://github.com/lambdaclass/cleopatra_cairo/blob/a0b487903e3bb1cf197752277bb0687954a9cc20/src/vm/vm_core.rs#L131) might be improved by using the [`is_zero` method](https://docs.rs/num-bigint/latest/num_bigint/struct.BigInt.html#method.is_zero) from the num_bigint library instead of constructing a zero value and comparing against it.
- Expected output: a good walkthrough on how existing hints work in cairo and oraic
The kani rust verifier project might be useful. - Research the tool and it's best uses. - Find if possible applications within cleopatra - Expected output: an informed discussion on...
Explain why we like the Erlang/Elixir/BEAM platform as well as when and why we choose to use it.