TreeBeard Admin shows the categories in the dropdown like this: https://prnt.sc/udf0mv After adding the category as a foreign key to my appropriate model using this: category = models.ForeignKey('Category', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL)...
Django-q works but it fails only in this specific scenario: When I run it on my AWS (AWS Linux 2, Python 3.7) AND if I set my Django caching to...
Let's say I have a daily run for a task. If it missed several days, it would run that task 3 times. Is there a way to prevent that? I...
Setting max_attempts to 0 means it will have infinite retries, no? I noticed there is"ack_failures" setting, but I didn't quite understand how it works. > When set to True, also...
I am using SQLite and I am often getting `[Q] ERROR database is locked`. I already set the `workers` to `1` in settings to avoid multi-tasking, but it still seems...
I used to get 429 error every time I request more than 6 items per hour or so. But recently, especially today I am not able to request more than...
In the Google Trends auto-suggest, it offers to fetch the data for a keyword as a "keyword", "company", "topic", etc... Is this possible with this API too? How to do...
Lets say I want to get the trends for ``%2Fm%2F0lwkh`` (Nike Company) Is there anywhere I could fetch the English Human Readable text of what this keyword is?
They seem to be accomplishing the same thing and I am kind of stuck in the middle. ReactFire uses the context providers, while this doesn't. I am not sure what...
## Context I have a Django app and tried to run it with Zappa. I had no modifications from the standard install procedure, except `slim_handler:true` because my app would be...