Fritz Meissner

Results 16 issues of Fritz Meissner

EDIT: this issue is quite far from where it started, look [here]( for the latest. ==== [`api_map.get_complex_type_methods` returns empty for `ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy`: ``` > type = Solargraph::ComplexType.parse('ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy') #]> > type_methods =...

I have YARD files outside of my source to document attributes that are created at runtime by some metaprogramming. This is great for autocomplete, but go-to-definition takes me to the...

I wrote this rake task to generate YARD docs for model attributes in a Rails 6 app. It's working for some models (attributes are present in autocomplete) but not others....

Based on (a copy/paste, really) the example at the top of the [quickstart]( I have the following: ``` var SignupForm = forms.Form.extend({ username: forms.CharField(), email: forms.EmailField(), password: forms.CharField({widget: forms.PasswordInput}), confirmPassword:...

I'm on an M1 MBP 13". All the Ruby versions I've tried except v3 have failed to install: ``` ~ asdf install ruby 2.6.5 Downloading openssl-1.1.1j.tar.gz... -> Installing openssl-1.1.1j......

- Ignore errors in bundle install && yard gems step Ruby 3.1.0 doesn't seem to mix well with `yard gems` and exits with code 1, causing the entire build to...

**Describe the bug** Given: ``` MyModel has_many :my_other_models MyOtherModel belongs_to :my_model ``` and `MyOtherModel` has an attribute `.my_attribute` I expect to be able to autocomplete the entire chain: `` I...

When RubyParser calls `on_module`, `on_class` etc, the code that its client runs could raise an error and kill the whole process. It seems better that if one handler fails, other...

Please add your experience of using solargraph-rails with production code. What is working, what is not, what is too slow, etc.