Fritz Meissner

Results 38 comments of Fritz Meissner

Running `yard gems` didn't make a difference to my results with `api_map.get_complex_type_methods`. It fixed some of the tests I mentioned, but I still have these failures: ``` Failed examples: rspec...

I installed a fresh Rails 6.0 install with solargraph `0.43.0` as a development dependency. Same result: ``` irb(main):001:0> require 'solargraph' => false irb(main):002:0> api_map = Solargraph::ApiMap.load('.') => ## # []...

Over on the rails thread, this comment: helped me figure this out. Solargraph bundle is doing something to interfere: ``` > solargraph clear > bundle exec yard gems --rebuild...

Update: I can see [in RdocToYard]( that when SG generates YARD from RDoc for a gem it does: 1) load all the RDoc objects found into a cleared YARD::Registry 2)...

Some more untangling: After a `solargraph clear`, `YardMap#add_gem_dependencies` falls back to a yardoc file under the ruby install, e.g. `~/.asdf/installs/ruby/2.7.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/doc/activerecord-`. This file contains all the YARD objects I want. After...

I tried a naive approach to saving all the YARD that didn't seem to improve things: ``` # Solargraph::YardMap::RDocToYard#run prior_objects = YARD::Registry.all # save the YARD rake_yard(mapstore) YARD::Registry.clear # add...

Closing this. I'm not on top of the problem anymore but since 2.7 has reached eol and newer versions of ruby do install without problems, it seems obsolete.