Liangwen Qi
Liangwen Qi
Dear @jonkman, Thank you for your careful answer. While employing OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible 5MW wind turbine, I noticed that all aerodata are measured at Re = 0.75*10^6. Howerer, blade airfoil section...
Dear @jjonkman, Sorry for disturbing you again. I have ever implemented trail edge flaps with AeroDyn14 and analyzed their potential of the load redutions on wind turbines. Following your suggestions,...
Dear @jjonkman, Thank you very much for your timely reply. Best regards,
Dear @bjonkman and @jjonkman, Recently, I have upgraded openfast from Version 3.0.0 to Version 3.4.1. Anything went well with Version 3.0.0. When I employed visual studio 2019 to compile openfast...