_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ Warren - The opsdir list has a long history of being closed, and we've discussed how we might make it open before. There were directorate members with...
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ See "too many messages to export"
_@[email protected]_ _changed priority from `medium` to `minor`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `under_review`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed priority from `medium` to `minor`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed type from `defect` to `cleanup`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `waiting`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ This is waiting for a use-case that says it's worth the effort to change.