_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ This ticket refers to the "Change position for regarding " page, the template for which is ietf/templates/doc/ballot/edit_position.html. The user chooses from a list of ballot positions (Yes,...
_@[email protected]_ _changed status from `new` to `accepted`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ See the thread at . While this wouldn't be particularly hard, it will require choosing what we mean when we say "markdown".
_@[email protected]_ _changed priority from `n/a` to `medium`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed component from `doc/` to `doc/charter-`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed keywords from `` to `sprint`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ When addressing this, an indication of upload processing (defaulting to none) should be added to the upload form. We already have support in other parts of the...
_@[email protected]_ _changed priority from `medium` to `major`_
_@[email protected]_ _changed owner from `` to `[email protected]`_
_@[email protected]_ _commented_ ___ I believe this should just work now that the markdown changes have been committed. If it doesn't, I can fix this. The charter needs to be submitted...