@OshriHalimi did you manage to build the specified OpenCV version? I am getting CMakeError when I am trying to follow the script.
@waldekkot did you manage to solve it somehow? Thanks!
I have the same problem with FAMD. I get `TypeError: check_is_fitted() missing 1 required positional argument: 'attributes'` on any action with FAMD after fitting.
@williamliuok In the end, did you have any luck running it on Android at some (near) real-time speed?
Is this still not implemented / not having anyone working on it?
Were you able to apply this method to large point clouds? Due to KMeans used, it seems to me as a no-go to even try on some real-world dataset where...
Hello, I would like to join this question. Is there a way to obtain the training code? Thank you.