Igor Starikov

Results 187 comments of Igor Starikov

@galacticat > Logs are not showing anything. I doubt. Please read https://deluge-webapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html#debug

Please address warnings and errors.

I don't see api plugin among: ``` [INFO ] 08:07:12 pluginmanagerbase:158 Plugin Execute enabled.. [INFO ] 08:07:12 pluginmanagerbase:158 Plugin AutoAdd enabled.. [INFO ] 08:07:12 core:97 *** Start Label plugin ***...

As per Deluge docs .egg file needs to be in plugins dir (put manually or from GUI) both on server and client.

@galacticat Maybe that'll be of help: something similar was in #6 — that's on Windows also.

I'm not able to check that Windows and Docker scenario myself. What you can do to investigate it: 1. Try to remove bundled plugin (e.g. ``blacklist``) from file system (client...

There are other signals related to Deluge on Docker. To name a couple: https://github.com/binhex/arch-delugevpn/issues/66 https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-deluge/issues/61

``` linuxserver/docker-deluge pull version 2.0.3, the plugin don't work anymore. ``` Hi. It hardly belongs to here, rather to #14

> to make their python modules 3.8 compatible Have no idea what's that about, since there was no backward incompatible changes 3.7->3.8. Please post here an actual error you have.

> I get the below error. Unfortunatelly this trace is not helpful, since it wrapped into `organizr` stuff. Please provide log from Deluge itself, so that we could investigate it.