Igor Starikov

Results 187 comments of Igor Starikov

Unfortunatelly I can't be of any help here as I have never tried fluent. We'll keep this issue open, maybe someone else will help.

That's interesting. Thank you. No plans yet. We'll probably need a separate URL for that and a custom template with markup appropriate for drag'n'drop. You can give it a try...

No plans for now, as access to a single item usually associated with one permission, but not a set described by a group. Meanwhile this kind of check could be...

You define your tree item model with group ManyToManyField field. In your item hook just check every item group against current user group.

> ok, but check against what? You need to define a custom item model. In it you're free to add any fields you like. E.g. you could have `user_group` ManyToManyField...

There's a lot of APIs for that already. See http://django-sitetree.readthedocs.org/en/latest/models.html#models-customization

Sorry, completely missed that issue out. I haven't tested sitetree neither on Windows nor on MS SQL. I do not have such an environment, so the best I could do...

No plans from my side, yet if achieved in a backward-compatible manner this feature is certainly welcome.

> Any way to do that? No, currently no. Yet it was already proposed in some issue or even a pull request some time ago, if I'm not mistaken. There...

Closing this. Feel free to reopen if any updates.