Dmitry Sergeev
Dmitry Sergeev
It looks like s4cmd can't do it = (. Just because of this, I still use s3cmd.
Another crutch that solves this problem for me, may be useful to someone: ```puppet class {'mongodb::globals': manage_package_repo => true, version => '3.6.12', } -> class {'mongodb::client': } -> class {'mongodb::server':...
@hendrikkiedrowski Thanks a lot for the PR. I'll try to see it soon. Sorry for the long answer
Hi @Sh4d1 Sorry for the long answer! Private network configured via Perhaps this will work if I add support for the ` / disable-public-network` annotation. I will definitely check...
> the solution is the same: `ephemeral-storage` quota and kubelet's existing full rootfs/imagefs recovery mechanisms. Hi @anguslees I attempted to work with the ephemeral-storage quota. I'm afraid this isn't a...