Ekaagr Chaudharee

Results 5 comments of Ekaagr Chaudharee

how about picking `c` as config file argument? `ls-lint -c .ls-lint.yaml` `ls-lint --config .ls-lint.yaml` and not `ls-lint -f .ls-lint.yaml`?

> stylish haskell is even replacing unicode with ASCII characters on it's own (with UnicodeSyntax pragma on). > example : ``` data Maybes a where Nothings ∷ Maybes a Justs...

Example : ``` {-# language UnicodeSyntax #-} module Main where import Prelude qualified as A data Detail = Detail { id :: String , name :: String } deriving (Show)...

Thanks for addressing this. Until it's fixed, I'm using this VS Code extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=adamwalzer.code-replacer With these settings: ``` "codeReplacer.includeDefaultRules": false, "codeReplacer.replaceOnSave": true, "codeReplacer.rules": { "hs": { " -< ": "...

This might help: https://github.com/starlingSolutions/eslint-plugin-align-assignments Install that plugin using the `git scheme` in package.json. Also have a look at these modifications: https://github.com/lucasefe/eslint-plugin-align-assignments/issues/21 Cheers.