The title is self-explanatory. I'm wondering, Anders, if mutmut can be available as a pre-commit hook.
If we want to be completely clear in the [object copy lesson](https://javascript.info/object-copy), we can include a snippet that mentions string interning, where since strings are immutable, only one instance is...
Let's say I have a pyproject.toml that looks like this: ```toml # ... [tool.flit.sdist] exclude = ["src/mypackage/foo.py"] ``` When I `flit install`, I noticed that I am still able to...
Hello, team. I have an ApolloClient with the uri of `https://graphql.contentful.com/content/v1/spaces/${SPACE}/environments/master?access_token=${TOKEN}` to make queries using the `useQuery` hooks from `@apollo/client`. Unfortunately, when I have a query that expects an `embedded-asset-block`,...