Ian Faust
Ian Faust
First task will get a green public CI, second step will be to comment out all kmeans-related deselected tests (including GPU) and see what we can reactivate Note, I will...
I am glad that the BaseKMeans object has been removed, its really unnecessary. There is a lot of work to be done, it may be good to reference the current...
The PR is relying on daal4py still, last commit as evidence, likely due to the daal_check_version. This needs to be sorted out first. This can change test coverage and performance,...
So far I am also running into an issue downloading datasets in 3.9 with urllib, specifically with the SSL certs. To get it to download I had to export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs...
Also, some of the errors seen in the PR associated with KNN/sklearn in the CI checks have been solved with this PR: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/commit/f473d7e5bb4aaaf2bb292aa7b0c6195b470daf39 But likely a handling of Errors needs...
Naive question: could we catch Errors in such a way to allow for reports to be generated even in the case of a failure in a certain test case? Something...
This really really needs a usage guide and docs. Barrier to entry for testing/evaluating this PR is high.
So far I am pretty impressed by this PR.
Ideally this should inherit sklearns' RegressorMixin too, just like BaseEstimator.
New PR introduced to manage the issues with test_patching and _utils.py. We need to talk to @Alexsandruss about n_jobs testing and how that interacts with partial_fit