Yes it is searching and checking the match with address in the file. The Key is displayed on Screen if match is found. Not saved anywhere currently.
Ahhh..... It's a 4byte counter limit. 👍 You can change the code to `counter = Value('Q')` This will work upto 18 Exakeys. Which is enough for Practical case.
Yes off course. Thanks. I hope it is useful.
It's strange to see this Error. Which version of Python? Win10x64 patch version? Anyway, can you try to edit this and see if solves the Error.... Change this Line
Change this line to 0. If you are testing and sure about that key is 100% inside the narrow range. Otherwise we keep value as 2 or 3, when...
Yes if you don't give keyspace it will take the Full range as Default. 1:FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364140
Ok. No problem in reference. Regarding the data output is currently controlled by dll itself but i can open it for customization from python side during the call function. Let...
Decision is Positive but will be delayed. My relative in ICU.
The problem to get return value in outer will be that this function run_cpu_kangaroo has to end. Currently it only ends when range of 72057 trillion is complete and controlled...