Just to avoid Point Doubling inside, Adding G + 2G, here they are : ``` python -m timeit -s "from coincurve import PrivateKey,PublicKey;pub_key2=PrivateKey.from_int(2).public_key;pub_key1=PrivateKey.from_int(1).public_key;keys=[pub_key1, pub_key2]" "PublicKey.combine_keys(keys)" 50000 loops, best of 5:...
This code i have no plan to update. Please use KeyHunt-Cuda Project.
Same limitation as Original Bitrack. The GPU resources.
Yes. The Speed Increase in that code is mainly due to Vectorized Memory Access. It is modified by _"ByLamacq"_ originally. You can do the same. Use my fork and merge...
P2 is another Point, Not G.
This program does not work on Password. It can be used for searching Pubkey but in your condition it is very improbable. Only by accident and random way you might...
Please don't create bPfile from below
NO. Please don't use this command "python3 22000000000 bPfile.bin 4" Use this -> `python 22000000000 bpfile.bin bloomfile.bin 12`
Now. Removed some extra functions. I will add them in future versions. Can you try now.