When scanning with an i2c scan file, it finds two addresses 0x68 , 0x69
Thanks soldering directly helped, now another error: ``` Sensor 8 Startup! Initialising Wifi ssid: Bewegungsfelder Creating data connection i2c Scan found device at: 0x68 done initialising sensor uploading dmp firmware...
Мaybe look at the project on your computer and update the makefile here so that others can also build it and write down the rules and in one look at...
Thank you, but the server address in the sensor settings is which to set... this from the router should be an address or local, because I am creating a server...
Thank you, I used everything as you indicated, but no matter how I tried, when using unofficial sdk 2.0.1, two files 0x10000.bin and 0x00000.bin are created during assembly, but as...
use module gy-87 Mpu 6050 and a HMC5883L one board
> MPU9150 has an MPU6050 and a AK8963 magnetometer internal and I am not impressed with the AK8963. > [comparison between AK8963 vs HMC5883L]( > So the 9150 is just...