Ícaro Motta
Ícaro Motta
Hi, I create a [temp project](https://github.com/AKOM-Studio/spine-unity-runtime) that fill the spine-csharp folder. With that, I was able to create [another project](https://openupm.com/packages/com.openupm.esotericsoftware.spine.spine-unity/) in OpenUPM that uses this new repository. And it worked....
I also destroy the [link](https://openupm.com/packages/com.openupm.esotericsoftware.spine.spine-unity/). But the OpenUPM does not update yet. I was only a test.
How can I use the spine-csharp as a dependency? It doesn't have the package.json.
Oh yes, I'll be waiting. I apologize for my ignorance about all of this. Thank you.
It is because I really need this functionality, otherwise my game project will be too big for having to add spine packages locally in repository. The OpenUPM project will give...
No, thanks!