> Hi! > > I am using find_object_2d for a perception task where I have to detect 6 different types of objects. Samples of those objects are stored inside an...
Hi @matlabbe, I have a session I saved which contains different objects for instance a can and a bottle. I launch the find_object_3d file with the session path and it...
Hi @matlabbe, thanks for the quick response. How exactly do I "parse the filepath"? I created a folder called "images" which contains "can.png" and "bottle.png". I set the "objects_path" to...
I see now. So its only possible to get the name of the object through the filePath when I do rostopic echo /info: `filePaths:` `data:"/home/ican/my_catkin_ws/src/find-object/objects/bottle1.png"` `data:"/home/ican/my_catkin_ws/src/find-object/objects/can2.png"` My intention was, when...
Hello All, any updates on that Issue? I am having the same problem. I tried the same as @BhooshanDeshpande but when I run the darknet_ros.launch file now I get following...
Hey @jack162, is it possible to train your yolov3-tiny model with darknet53.conv.74? Dont you need the yolov3-tiny.conv.15 and how does your yolov3-tiny.cfg file look like?