Isaiah Collins

Results 12 comments of Isaiah Collins

It seems that this bug is from the date picker library that we used; either we wait for the library's own fix or find an alternative. I'm gonna close this...

I'll conduct a couple of tests to track the problem, in the meantime, I'll keep this open

Thank you for reporting, the fix will be included in the next release... thanks!

Dynamic Themes is planned after the migration to Jetpack Compose :)

Unfortunately, RemoteViews do not support CheckBoxes but I will find a way to enable this feature in the widgets.

Hello, I am currently planning in publishing the app on fdroid in the near future. So expect future releases will be available in f-droid

closed by accident, reopening this now... :)

I'll add this on the next release. Thank you for suggesting :)

Sorry for the super late reply, let me see what I can do :)