Tobias Florek

Results 127 comments of Tobias Florek

Sorry, I missed your question. There is. The main complication will be cross-namespace support for the http challenge. That will need a proxy pod in the routes namespace. Other...

In openshift, routes for the same hostname can only exist in the same namespace. Routes can only point to services in the same namespace. That's a limitation of openshift's routes,...

That only works when the namespaces can communicate with each other. But yes, It's a possibility.

No released openshift supports thirdpartyresources yet, so it is hard to test.

Just for others that want something similar, I amended the php image by adding the the following file in `/usr/share/container-scripts/php/pre-start/`. ``` #!/bin/bash # /usr/share/container-scripts/php/pre-start/ # this is an adapted copy...

A very late answer, but maybe it's useful for anyone. There is a sparely documented way to use provided TLS-Certificates. See `/usr/share/container-scripts/php/` But afaict apache is not reloaded automatically.

Maybe LOCPATH can be used, but it's not very nice to use.

Just a note, for the ubi9-image, you can use ``` FROM USER 0 RUN for locale in de_DE fr_FR es_ES es_MX; do \ localedef -i "$locale" -f UTF-8 "$locale".utf8;...

I am in holiday, so I can't take care about that right now, but I am certain, that that is an oversight in the code, it should record whether the...

We don't need as many permissions. Can you test without endpoints, services, events, and most important: secrets?