Ib Green

Results 115 issues of Ib Green

Website: - [ ] 404 links go to blank page! - [x] Example thumbnail sizes on examples page **P1** #2412 - [ ] Missing docs: /arrowjs/docs is missing compared to...

P1 - important fix

- This module is no longer supported by `react-map-gl` - All its functionality is still available as part of nebula.gl and can be used with react-map-gl, with a bit more...

@Akiyamka Tried to publish this as a beta but get test failures on master:

For # #### Background - glTF models can have variable number of attributes, so the shader code should adapt to avoid undefined attributes. - Currently the gltf module adapts the...

For # #### Background (Been working on this refactor for a long time, held off to avoid destabilizing v9.0.) - The `Texture...` classes in luma.gl v8 have become overly complex....

For #2000 #### Background - Concern about size of core module utilities. #### Change List - Testing a removal of `splitUniformsAndBindings()` #### Result - index.cjs (unminified) down from 76.9kb ->...

For # #### Background - https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/actions/runs/8176087831/job/22354700505?pr=1995 #### Change List - new bootstrap-noinstall packag.json scriptthat doesn't run yarn #### Comments - Still double install - Looks like ocular-bootstrap script is also...

Current core [file structure](https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/tree/master/modules/core/src) Current core [index.ts:](https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/tree/master/modules/core/src/index.ts) --- # Size after initial round of PRs (dist folder, not minified, comments preserved) ### utils -rw-r--r-- 1 ibgreen staff 1477 Mar 6...

### Bugs - [ ] https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+milestone%3A9.0.0 #### Code - [ ] Enable strictNullChecks - @ibgreen - [x] bundle size optimization: core module - @ibgreen - https://github.com/visgl/luma.gl/issues/2000 - [ ] Implement...

PR #1907 is a change to the shader module `getUniform` semantics - an empty call no longer generates uniforms. I think it is a good change (though the system is...