Ib Green

Results 115 issues of Ib Green

Tracker for lighting improvements ## IDEAS - [ ] luma.gl - Add example that uses `PhongLighting` (Modify shadowmap example?) - [ ] Proposal - Support `lights` option (single array of...

#### Background ## v7.2/7.3 Documented glTF API and loaders.gl integration See discussion in #1150 - [ ] Documented API for "loading" glTF files. - [ ] Easy way to create...


#### Background Had to revert sideEffects in #701 to fix minified builds in 6.1. This has a major impact on size of application bundles, should be restored. #### To Do...


## v7.1 Shader Composition - [x] Dynamic shader composition (#1071) ## v8.x - [ ] Consider: Using less regex and more defines - [ ] Allow shader-modules to specify the...

Explore possible support for the new multidraw extensions to the base API: * [WEBGL_multi_draw](https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_multi_draw/) * [WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced](https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/extensions/WEBGL_multi_draw_instanced/) Potential extension points: - polyfill system - feature system - Program.draw(...) #### Background ####...

#### Background Tracker issue for various additional work stemming from the changes and refactors in v6.0. The various tasks are expected to be spread out across 6.x releases. #### Optimize...


Hi, very nice demo, thanks for sharing. We are also developing a framework-independent 3d tile loader (part of our loaders.gl effort), you can see results developing at: - https://loaders.gl/examples/3d-tiles -...

Repros in https://loaders.gl/examples/3d-tiles


> using inline functions for conditional logging take 2-3x more time than unconditionally building strings. Looks like the function parameter style does not provide the intended performance benefits, see https://github.com/uber/deck.gl/pull/3949...

- Many docs are still marked as WIP - get-started section should be built into Developer's Guide - doc/get-started structure doesn't well reflect the multiple modules
