Ivan Bestvina
Ivan Bestvina
Hi, thanks! Sadly, it does not, and I'm no longer maintaining the library. But I'd be happy to accept a PR with local model support! I think switching to a...
p.s. sorry for dumping all these issues, your plugin is great, and deserves a coffee! Sadly I'm not able to help much with it apart from finding bugs - JS...
Oh, I get it now, that makes sense yes. I don't think this is a big issue, I was more wondering how it can even happen. But this explanation makes...
Thanks a lot, I'll make sure to check ccard details. I'm a py dev too - happy to hear you're a TS beginner and yet managed to build such a...
This looks great, thanks for encouragement - I'll definitely take a deep dive into your plugins here and maybe try to build something on my own, or at least be...
Hey, seems to me like a simple fix of this would be to just add a field in the config of the plugin where we can specify the default attachments...
That's perfect I think, thanks!
Sorry for bringing this up again - is this `imagePrefix` supposed to block the attachments folder from showing up in the ccards? In v0.7.1 I'm testing ATM, it seems that...
Thanks! Do you know if there's a good way of hiding the attachments folder so it doesn't show in the autogenerated ccard? I guess some type of filter pattern would...
Thanks for the info :) Seems like this might be a bit out of scope for Datasloth. In general, it is aimed more at answering "real" questions, instead of doing...