Hide all `/api/v1/*/progress` endpoints (including `api/v1/images/progress`). They've been deprecated.
Review this PR and this topic: https://github.com/twistlock/docs/blob/Pubs-MV-patch-4/admin_guide/vulnerability_management/registry_scanning/scan_ibm_cloud_container_registry.adoc There are a few 404s for all URLs that link to console.bluemix.net. Also, in Steps 5 b and c ``` For example, if...
Article: https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/prisma/prisma-cloud/prisma-cloud-admin-compute/runtime_defense/runtime_defense_containers.html * Fix outdated screenshots * We still have "relearn" in the docs, but it's now "extend learning."
**Question from the field:** Is this field only used for build number from Jenkins? We'd like to be able to pass in an arbitrary value for non-Jenkins setups… one use...
Document the `Total-Count` response header. It contains the number of records available from an end point. While one can simply iterate over the results until pulling a null set, there's...
- [ ] Determine and doc exactly how this flow works. - [ ] Doc the requirements for the certificate (which fields are used for auth) - [ ] Reproduce...
SaaS Consoles are upgraded when we ship update 1 of Compute Edition. Currently, we can only publish the same version SaaS and self-hosted docs. We need to be able to...
Currently, the Jenkins job puts the integrations page into place properly. Update the build_site.sh script to do this properly, since you expect the output from build_site to be a fully...
Contextual links in Console now point to docs.prismacloudcompute.com. We need to maintain historical versions of docs, so contextual links don't break for customers running older versions.
There have been several Aha ideas where customers ask for OpenShift versions support. For example: * https://paloaltonetworkscloud.aha.io/ideas/ideas/TP-I-885 * https://paloaltonetworkscloud.aha.io/ideas/ideas/TP-I-956 We need to better describe our policy regarding OpenShift support.