Ian O'Connell

Results 60 comments of Ian O'Connell

@ittaiz You can with protoc for sure separate out the proto's from having multiple copies. (using the internal function of src to jar thats in there now would do this)....

No I'm afraid there didn't seem to be a consensus on design to drive it. So I've long since moved onto other things.

@johnynek not super easy no :( I was asking something about this on the bazel-discuss list yesterday. The scala aspect needs to depend on the java aspects produced provider to...

@amit-traiana the problem is that the scalpb and javapb are both aspects, and I don't know of a provider/means in bazel to (optionally) say that the generated target for proto...

@amit-traiana The intent here in that issue #763 was to share the implementation almost entirely just having some logic to wrap it into a aspect or be directly callable in...

@ittaiz I guess I was viewing things like proto and thrift to be external from Scala compilation itself. (could, and if it wasn't more painful around repos and how often...

@sholokhov you can add the dependencies to the scalapb toolchain which lets you add more deps. It will get added to all of the scalapb targets in one swoop in...

@sholokhov in the example, (sorry i should have been clearer on this) when you set the implicit compile deps you replace the existing ones. https://github.com/ianoc/bazel-scalapb-example/commit/42c3eec1ada8abeb4c32bdfa84048cacff22509c would show you making the...

This is super interesting to see/hear. We don't use the type converters ourselves today either, so we haven't ran into this problem. Though it does sound thorny. I don't believe...

I do really like the separation of the services out from the message generation (we have extra/special services generation stuff similar to wix, finagle based services services, and then also...