Ian Cook
Ian Cook
In SQL, `NULL`s are not typed. But in R, `NA`s are typed. By default, `NA` is logical, and there are other variants `NA_real_`, `NA_character_`, and `NA_integer_`. This can cause problems...
~~This is now enabled by https://github.com/r-lib/rlang/pull/897~~
Support Apache Arrow `Table` and `RecordBatch` objects (which inherit class `ArrowTabular`) and `Dataset` objects (which inherit class `Dataset` and `ArrowObject`)
Use the new `keep` argument to `full_join()` in https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/4589 to preserve the join key columns from both the left and right tables, allowing qualified references to these columns in other...
After the fix to https://github.com/tidyverse/dplyr/issues/4206 is on CRAN, use it to enable cross joins by specifying `by = character()`.
Look into using functions from the tidyselect package including `poke_vars()`, `peek_vars()`, `scoped_vars()`, `with_vars()`, and `has_vars()` to implement some of the logic around aliases in `query()` more cleanly. These functions could...
There's a fairly new R package **thriftr** ([GitHub](https://github.com/systemincloud/thriftr), [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/package=thriftr)) from @marekjagielski that implements Apache Thrift in R. See if it would be possible (and if so, what additional work would...
To reproduce: ```r flights_aa % filter(carrier == "AA") %>% arrange(dep_delay) flights_ua % filter(carrier == "UA") %>% arrange(dep_delay) union_all(flights_aa, flights_ua) ``` The resulting rows are not in order by `dep_delay`, but...
A useR!2017 attendee asked after the [implyr talk](http://github.com/ianmcook/useR-2017-implyr) about what Impala's limitations for using DISTINCT were. Older versions of Impala (before version 2.0) allowed only one DISTINCT clause per query....