Ian Mackenzie

Results 122 issues of Ian Mackenzie

https://github.com/donmccurdy/msdf-bmfont-web https://github.com/Chlumsky/msdfgen https://github.com/Chlumsky/msdf-atlas-gen https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20020664

Should be possible to have a sphere mesh where every vertex is just pair of U and V values, and the center point/radius are passed in as uniforms. Then the...

Native WebGL line rendering is basically terrible - can't reliably do anything other than 1 pixel wide lines and even that doesn't always seem to work. It would be better...

Perhaps something like ```elm Drawable.withLevelsOfDetail [ { accuracy = millimeters 1, drawable = ... } , { accuracy = millimeters 5, drawable = ... } , { accuracy = millimeters...

Show things like: - triangle edges - curve vertices - normal vectors - tangent vectors - UV grid Enable per object (can add to a group to recursively enable debugging...

This would contain generated WebGL meshes at varying levels of detail, and would be updated in an app's `update` function based on a 3D scene, a camera position, a desired...

Rough idea: have Elm app running on the same machine as a Rust executable doing high-performance rendering with Vulkan, real-time ray tracing etc.; stream current scene description from Elm to...

Promising approach: configure Amazon Fargate with [Mitsuba](http://mitsuba-renderer.org/) set up in a container image. When a rendering request comes in, spin up 10s/100s/1000s of containers with Mitsuba running on each one...

If using HTML overlays, try using `transform: translateZ(0)` to force GPU use

Various possible approaches: - Draw lines, apply polygon offset to faces (simplest but mediocre quality/performance) - Fragment shader based approaches (relies on including barycentric coordinates or similar in vertex data,...
