Ian Wilson
Ian Wilson
After further testing my 949(w)x759(h) image starts working at sizes 500, 600, 700 starting at 100 and above but my 120x141 image never works and always results in that error.
I'm not sure if this is the same problem but I am still having trouble building the source. I had some patches rigged up to disable dependencies on SSE for...
I was never able to get this to work and just gave up. There does not seem to be a way to build it.
I think the check for more elements should be on shadowRoot on this line: `Array.prototype.push.apply(submittable, this._findElements(node.root, ignoreName));` https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-form/blob/master/iron-form.html#L373 The root element appears to be both either the light dom or...
Thinking more about it... if or if not the shadowdom should be traversed I think is out of the scope of this issue other than changing that line to find...
I'm still learning polymer and trying to use iron-form myself. I don't think iron-form utilizes on-change other than in that demo. Your custom-element should probably dispatch a change event with...
Seems like that would make iron-form a lot less useful if it couldn't access any nested inputs, especially if they were in a more complicated widget. Like a color picker...
Just to clarify, the default would then be to not include form controls in the shadowRoot without the shadowRoot's owner explicitly setting each form control's form property. Also it is...
Also probably related to this: #204
I think I was wrong about how the form attribute/property works. Maybe the only solution is some custom api at the top level api that returns a name->value mapping or...