Alexandru Pavaloi

Results 85 issues of Alexandru Pavaloi

Unfortunately this plugin doesn't "play nice" with [css-loader]( Trying to use `.webp` images from CSS will fail unless the `url: false` option is set for `css-loader`. For example, this code:...

Right now we can't use theme values when styling native HTML elements. We have to either 1. Wrap them in custom components ``, ``, etc 2. Use the `sx` prop...


* Changed from default export to named exports * Added `withCustomProperties` to extend `ThemeProvidr` and insert the CSS Props in DOM. * Updated README More info about the reasons here:...


I really like this library because of it's size, especially compared with [react-toastify]( However, not having the ability to insert the Toasts where we want them is a blocker for...

We'd like to have different styles of Toasts: success, info and danger. One way to do this would be to use a render callback inside `notify` function, but that's a...

# Bug report ## Packages affected - [x] sandpack-client - [ ] sandpack-react ## Description of the problem Using the nullish coalescing feature breaks the preview. Example from the official...


# Bug report ## Packages affected - [ ] sandpack-client - [x] sandpack-react ## Description of the problem It seems like the following setup results (most of the time) in...


When using the `` component I get this error in the console: ``` ObjectInspectorItem: Support for defaultProps will be removed from function components in a future major release. Use JavaScript...


The following code fails when using: * `chai`: 5.1.0 * `chai-spies`: 1.1.0 ``` import * as chai from 'chai'; import chaiSpies from 'chai-spies'; chai.use(chaiSpies); const expect = chai.expect; function sum(a,...

A lot of users don't realize they can upload profile picture. So, let's create a component that invites them to upload one. The `` component should appear in the notifications...