@genekogan PVector realWorldPoint = kpt.getDepthMapAt(startX, startY); PVector projectedPointUno = kpt.convertKinectToProjector(realWorldPoint); startX and startY are X and Y coordinates off the Kinect image. projectedPointUno should be the same point from the...
kpt.setDepthMapRealWorld(kinect.depthMapRealWorld()); PVector realWorldPoint = kpt.getDepthMapAt(startX, startY); PVector projectedPointUno = kpt.convertKinectToProjector(realWorldPoint); startX and startY are X and Y coordinates off the Kinect image. projectedPointUno should be the same point from the...
`import controlP5.*; import gab.opencv.*; import SimpleOpenNI.*; import KinectProjectorToolkit.*; // For Kinect's RGB stream + the KPT: OpenCV opencv; SimpleOpenNI context; KinectProjectorToolkit kpt; PImage currKinectFrameRGB; int startX, startY, endX, endY; void...
@genekogan Please spare a few minutes of your time and read my previous comment. Thanks
Thanks for the prompt response, @genekogan! I've, however, decided to go with a more convenient approach. Since I need both programs on the same computer, I'm going to create a...
Thanks for this, man! Also I'm getting the following errors in the Util tab: Line 5: add(ca); The function "add()" expects parameters like: "add(component)" Line 11: ca.init(); The function "init()"...
@savvasio @scratchyone @taimur38 @genekogan
https://github.com/sojamo/controlp5/issues/17 Okay, it was a compatibility issue with Processing 3. I've switched to Processing 2 and it's working fine now!