Graham Lee
Graham Lee
I mean that this line: console.log(countries.getAlpha2Code('Congo', 'en')); logs `CG` when it could also be `CD`. Switching which one it returns wouldn't help, because the point is that there _isn't_ a...
@sgibson91 Yes, that thing! "Here are some justified good practices when using Jupyter for research" is better than "yah notebooks suck urrr"
@carllindberg "since you are a mock for a protocol, and -valueForKey: is probably not a method in the protocol, the mock object may not have any idea of what to...
Josh Freeman sent me some info that helped narrow this issue down. `-[NSApplication setApplicationIconImage:]` copies its image, and `-[NSImage copyWithZone:]` deliberately discards cached image reps. In the case where the...
@likern that's not quite correct. If you look at the rest of the function I changed, it's responsible for turning JS objects into strings that can be handled in the...
What is badly configured? Which step was missed? What is it in the diagnostic information that led you to this conclusion? What needs updating in the docs to ensure we...
No, @andpor could still help by answering my follow-on questions.
This bug affects my project too. With jest 25.1.0 and react-native-jest-mocks 1.5.0, I see this error: TypeError: /project/path/node_modules/react-native-jest-mocks/src/mocks.js: The second argument of `jest.mock` must be an inline function. 60 |...
The solution is to not use this module, but to add `./node_modules/react-native/jest/setup.js` to my jest `setupFiles`.