Khalid Bashir

Results 21 issues of Khalid Bashir

### Describe the bug When using the --cache-repo flag, passing a private repo URL containing a port in the URL throws an error ``` WARN[0452] error uploading layer to cache:...

```curl '' -X 'OPTIONS'``` Chrome sends OPTIONS method pre-flight request to check for CORS which gets failed Fix: Handle OPTIONS or add CORS allow for all

good first issue

Vall-e by microsoft seems to have out performed the yourTTS model in zero short tts. Link: **Solution** An implementation of it would be amazing

feature request

We want to use deno lambda contianer for dev enviroment. But adding --watch flag leads to a halt in rquest. ```bash Watcher File change detected! Restarting! START RequestId: 1ff9ae42-8461-4989-9c38-2fd3a98347e2 Version:...

According to this:- [](url) Restified OpenAPI spec has only x-hasura-admin-secret spec, it does not have Authoriztion bearer header output support.


[Bun]( throws error on this line

Curious to know if any open-source stealth browsers exist?