Jonathan Guthrie
Jonathan Guthrie
Hey if you want to use a pure Swift version of Slackin, check out :)
Thanks @saltzmanjoelh we'll look into it.
Hi @kurtbitner - sorry I missed this issue as it was on this repo and not the main... did you regenerate your Xcode project file after adding the postgres connector...
Hi @mnbao1975 Did you run the force link command in homebrew as instructed in the setup readme?
@nsleader can you clarify which version of the PerfectLib that you are using? (No need to apologize for your English -it's fine :))
Hi @victorZeng1225, @tong3jie - so that we can verify that in your specific situation we have already fixed the issue on the latest version of Perfect, could you try installing...
I agree with @rymcol - that's likely the difference as it's all working for me on Xcode 8 beta and default Swift 3 install from that, and using the command...
@sunlyear have you selected both settings as mentioned in readme? Also can you post the exact version of Xcode and Swift that you are using please. Thanks!
Thanks Alsey, I'm bubbling this back up to the surface with the team. Stay tuned :)
For those coming across this issue via search, Alsey is referring to code optimizations that take advantage of dispatch techniques in the compiler. There's a great article [here](