Perfect copied to clipboard
(Error for compiling PerfectLib)make: swift: Command not found make: *** [ICU.o] Error 127
Linux distribution: Ubuntu 14.04 on aws Perfect Version: Perfect-1.0.0 Swift Version(I used several versions, the same error still occurs): swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-05-03-a-ubuntu14.04. swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-03-24-a-ubuntu14.04 swift-DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-02-08-a-ubuntu14.04 swift-2.2-SNAPSHOT-2015-12-01-b-ubuntu14.04 swift-2.2-RELEASE-ubuntu14.04 And I set the Path in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, /etc/profile/,/etc/environment,
The error message:
:~/Perfect/PerfectLib$ sudo make
swift -frontend -c NetNamedPipe.swift File.swift Threading.swift LibEvent.swift Bytes.swift FastCGI.swift LogManager.swift NetTCPSSL.swift PerfectServer.swift WebConnection.swift Closeable.swift FastCGIServer.swift Net.swift Utilities.swift MimeReader.swift NetTCP.swift SessionManager.swift WebRequest.swift HTTPServer.swift MimeType.swift PageHandler.swift SQLite.swift WebResponse.swift Dir.swift Mustache.swift PerfectError.swift SysProcess.swift DynamicLoader.swift JSON.swift Utilities-Server.swift Routing.swift StaticFileHandler.swift WebSocketHandler.swift JSONConvertible.swift cURL.swift HPACK.swift HTTP2.swift NotificationPusher.swift -primary-file ICU.swift
-emit-module-path ./tmp/ICU.swiftmodule
-emit-module-doc-path ./tmp/ICU.swiftdoc
-emit-dependencies-path ./tmp/ICU.d
-emit-reference-dependencies-path ./tmp/ICU.swiftdeps
-g -Onone -D DEBUG -D Ubuntu_14_04 -emit-module -I /usr/include/ -I linked/LibEvent -I linked/OpenSSL_Linux -I linked/ICU -I linked/SQLite3 -I linked/cURL_Linux -module-cache-path /tmp/modulecache -module-name PerfectLib -I linked/LinuxBridge
-o ICU.o
make: swift: Command not found
make: *** [ICU.o] Error 127
did anyone of you solve this problem? Thank you very much for your valuable information!
me too
Hi @victorZeng1225, @tong3jie - so that we can verify that in your specific situation we have already fixed the issue on the latest version of Perfect, could you try installing Swift 3, and using the install instructions from for the template project/quick start, and let us know if the problem remains?