###### Environment In my case, a host( has the following dockers: 1. resty nginx ("resty_version": "", "Created": "2021-12-03T12:24:51.007868968Z") -p 8081:80 the nginx.conf looks like: /nc --> require("resty.openidc").authenticate(,redirect_uri_path = "/ncc") /ncc...
I followed the instructions in https://github.com/webgme/webgme.org/blob/master/aws/ubuntu16.04/nginx.conf, but when the location is "/wgg/" instead of "/", the socket.io does not work: 1.the path is still http://the.ip.addr/socket.io/socket.io.js, should be http://the.ip.addr/wgg/socket.io/socket.io.js 2.the connection...
I created a demo docker at https://github.com/iamfoolberg/webgme-docker, When i import/export project/model, the error is: ``` > [email protected] start > node app.js ### Running in docker mode #### 2022-08-21T09:56:31.745Z - info:...
If i want to install fusioninventory-agent in my openwrt router, how can i get the .ipkg file:) Thanks for your great work.
在/usr/local/python3.7.0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ppgan/apps/**first_order_predictor.py**的如下函数中 ``` def extract_bbox(self, image): detector = face_detection.FaceAlignment( face_detection.LandmarksType._2D, flip_input=False, face_detector=self.face_detector) h, w, _ = image.shape print("extract_box: image height=", h) print("extract_box: image width=", w) frame = [image] #frame = image...
I have followed the commands in [README.md](https://github.com/flatpak/flat-manager/blob/master/README.md), the flat-manager is installed. When i "upload" the build application: ``` ./flat-manager-client push --commit $(./flat-manager-client create stable) /home/berg/flatpak/localrepo/ ``` The flat-manager server...
When we need stun/turn server for NAT users, we deploy a coturn server. However the external IP of the coturn server is not a fixed one. It will change after...