
Results 13 comments of iameru

I get the 404 code too, also regardless if webclient or spotifyd same as @dimas-cyriaco

now the web backend and frontend work- still, like in the bullseye test I did earlier it is stuck at creating wifi network forever ( `/generate-ap` url )

ok. some more info. as you write in https://github.com/KasperskyLab/TinyCheck/wiki/Timeout-on-the-web-interface you are happy about bugreports. when debugging and starting the frontend myself the error now is: ``` Traceback (most recent call...

I used a raspberry pi 3b+ I second your view on the installer and also think a dedicated Image would be much easier for people to actually use, even nonsavvy

I'll second this as useful if my pull from github for example fails, caprover tries to build it again. and again. endlessly. never succeeding. and now I made a change...

automated bot closing, yay.

First of: Thanks for your tool. when using `-s` it is really useful for me! When including snapshots though.. Maybe this belongs here. heavily using btrbk to backup and snapshot....

bumping. this became more relevant as for some spamfilters report +0.5 for not seeing an FQDN at the right side of the `@` also here is some discussion and reasoning...

I'll also chip in and say that I have a virtualenv, I used poetry to install `pytest` and `pytest-watch`. `pytest` works, `pytest-watch` seems to have the wrong path when invoked...

> What is your `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND` env var set to? https://github.com/coreyja/fzf.devicon.vim/blob/master/autoload/fzf/devicon/vim.vim#L368 I don't have it set apparently, but have devicons in my Path ```zsh ~$ echo "$FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND" ~$ which devicon-lookup /home/user/.cargo/bin//devicon-lookup...