Dohány Tamás
Dohány Tamás
I'm thinking about preload theme by app start, this may solve title mentioned issue. Thank you.
Are there any capability in css-doodle to make fractals? Or it could be a feature request? Thank you! 
This is about **Bulma | the Docs**. ### Overview of the problem This is about the Bulma **CSS framework** This is about the Bulma **Docs** I'm using Bulma **version** [1.o.o]...
_Hashtags works great, I would like to propose multiple hashtag handling option:_ Now subscription on a hashtag is okay, but handling connection between hashtags is not. It would be great...
Hashtag multilingual contents sometime differs user's language needs. It is the idea to narrow hashtags outputs, choices could be the following: - only display language - language sets from hide...
A need to use the original **Mastodon Filters** page in Elk as well has taken place.