Iain J. Reid

Results 6 comments of Iain J. Reid

~~I should add that the install fails for me locally, I'm not sure if this is because the lock file is missing, and the dependencies have moved on since the...

I'm not sure if it was available when this ticket was opened, but there's a page outlining the permissions you need that can be found here: _https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/github-oauth-scopes_ In short, and...

Hi guys, is this ready for use yet? I'm looking to pull down sources and compile them locally, and this looks like what I'm after!

Sadly, I believe this might still may be an issue. For small repositories that contain no more than a few hundred commits at most, the time to get the blame...

@pjbgf `v5.12.0` ``` // go.sum github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.12.0 h1:7Md+ndsjrzZxbddRDZjF14qK+NN56sy6wkqaVrjZtys= github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 v5.12.0/go.mod h1:FTM9VKtnI2m65hNI/TenDDDnUf2Q9FHnXYjuz9i5OEY= ```

After some more testing using the in-memory storage (which is immeasurably faster, but the bottleneck still persists), I believe this issue is simply made apparent and worse by my SQL-backed...